At liltourist we all share a set of values that drive the way we work. On this page we want to tell you a little about our company culture and introduce our key team members to you.
Bold. Human. Real.
We spend a lot of time at work, so a great work atmosphere is essential. Our team members are loyal, reliable, have a moral compass and go out of their way for others. Everyone we work with cares about the well-being of others, respects everybody professionally, and helps whoever needs it.
We are always reasonably optimistic about the future. We like to get excited about good news and handle bad news without being discouraged. We look for solutions rather than assign blame.
All our team members are concerned with the overall business, rather than just their own part. They challenge other people and care about the company and the people in it. We all are cooperating towards a common goal, not competing for raises or promotions.
We are kind and compassionate. We are okay with being challenged and can admit when we are wrong. We are aware of our weaknesses and are willing to work on them. We like to laugh at ourselves.
We are not afraid to advocate for what we believe, but we are also not afraid to admit when we are wrong or someone else has a better idea.
Goal oriented
We think all the way through problems and have reasons for doing things the way we do them. We are concerned not just with the problem at hand, but the process for solving it in the future.